Spending my days with you
Is like living in a world of fancy
With all the beautiful peopl i know
Makin' love in a world of vivid colours
How often have i been there
Well it really doesn't matter
As long as we're together
You and me together we will journey
To seek and see the colours of our fantasy
Come to life with a stroke of your soothing hands
All the questions in life
I will come to understand
Seasons come and seasons go
Stars will shine and lose their glow
But everytime i try to look back i know...
(That) Spending my days with you
Is like living in a world of fancy
With all the beautiful peopl i know
Makin' love in a world of vivid colours
How often have i been there
Well it really doesn't matter
As long as we're together
You and me in love with each other
There will be no problems that will bother
Just the two of us painting a world of our own
Everything is perfect
Just Like A Splendid Love Song
Seasons come and seasons go
Stars will shine and lose their glow
But everytime i try to look back i know...
(That) Spending my days with you
Is like living in a world of fancy
With all the beautiful peopl i know
Makin' love in a world of vivid colours
How often have i been there
Well it really doesn't matter
As long as we're together
--- Just Like A Splendid Love Song (Orange & Lemons)
Nice band. The song has been etched to my brain like a wart that's so hard to remove from my skin. Their 2nd album has been on my CD player for sometime now, playing over & over again. Help me find where to buy their 1st album please?
get to know the band more here: http://www.myspace.com/orangeandlemons/
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
"All life is twain, one a frozen stream, the other a burning flame, and the burning flame is LOVE."
A Chain of Flowers
E n T R i e S
- Temporary Comfort
- "Growing older is MANDATORY, GROWING UP is optiona...
- Slightly Off Center...
- La Gros Contretemps
- felt like being backstabbed lately?!
- Sunday Blues...
- What makes a Good Story?
- New Word for the Day
- Mindless Thought
- NOW, pt.1
"all this for a piece of bread"
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