I just got back to work. Had a day off, yet I still feel very tired. Physical exhaustion? NOT.
I still AM hoping things will turn out for the best.
This few lines turned out to be one of the hardest ones to post. *sigh*
Thursday, October 06, 2005
"All life is twain, one a frozen stream, the other a burning flame, and the burning flame is LOVE."
A Chain of Flowers
E n T R i e S
- Installing Love
- Butterflies in my stomach.. Feels like the first t...
- Feeling emo...
- i sweat like a fire hydrant with loose bolts. ye...
- Always demand proof, proof is the elementary court...
- You scored as Toreador. You belo...
- "MAD"
- Which one would YOU choose?
- You scored as Otto. You are most like Otto Mann! ...
- The Bottom LineYou may have a little mini-crisis o...
"all this for a piece of bread"
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