The Bottom Line
You may have a little mini-crisis or two in regards to your career.
What does it mean?
In Detail
You're nothing if not a reluctant celebrity -- even when you know you deserve some public recognition. At the moment, however, you've done something that just can't be passed over -- something that a simple nod won't cover. Prepare yourself for a bit of the fanfare you've never been fond of. Oh, you can force yourself to enjoy it for a little while, can't you? Especially since it will mean so much to those who care for you?
This is my horrorscope
---- Something that came out of the utter recesses of my "unused" brain
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
"All life is twain, one a frozen stream, the other a burning flame, and the burning flame is LOVE."
A Chain of Flowers
E n T R i e S
- Medical Advice Kisses shorten life; mixing stra...
- Message from your friend:-------------------------...
- I, alas, have been drawn for so long Into the ways...
- Sucky Sloppy IT
- Ode To Love
- Can't get enough?
- Spending my days with youIs like living in a world...
- Temporary Comfort
- "Growing older is MANDATORY, GROWING UP is optiona...
- Slightly Off Center...
"all this for a piece of bread"
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"SiTH eQuiPPeD"
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