I, alas, have been drawn for so long Into the ways of this modern life, Evading all pain and discomfort Yet still there is plenty of strife. I avoided all grief and unpleasantness, Indulged in so many a pleasure, Spinelessly wallowed in self-concern, And improved far too slowly, at leisure. Most of the comforts I seek from outside Result in some kind of addiction. Every attempt to withdraw from then, Results in some kind of affliction. Enough is enough, I'm done with this struggle, It's time to face what is real, And wean my attention and feelings Away from these vices, to heal. O come then that pain and discomfort, Let me see how bad you can get! I'll take out your sting by confronting you, And learn to welcome you yet. For in truth you are bringing me closer To rely on that Comfort within, That enfires the spirit and strengthens the soul, Pain to bliss, as it transmutes my sin. Each time those withdrawal symptoms Tempt me with indulgences old, I'll ROAAAR like a lion, be who I AM, With love for this body, yet bold.
--Craig Nicholson--
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
"All life is twain, one a frozen stream, the other a burning flame, and the burning flame is LOVE."
A Chain of Flowers
E n T R i e S
- Sucky Sloppy IT
- Ode To Love
- Can't get enough?
- Spending my days with youIs like living in a world...
- Temporary Comfort
- "Growing older is MANDATORY, GROWING UP is optiona...
- Slightly Off Center...
- La Gros Contretemps
- felt like being backstabbed lately?!
- Sunday Blues...
"all this for a piece of bread"
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